This page is devoted to manly things and particularly, manly masculine movies and things for men. Of course the whole site is based on my opinion of what I like and because I like it, I have deemed it manly. I might even be wrong, the particular thing in question might not be manly or masculine or much of anything a manly man would want anything to do with. But I am going to try to convince you that whatever it is, it is worthy simply because it is something that I like for one reason or the other.


So, here goes...any manly man knows that the greatest line ever in a Western movie ever is "Dyin' ain't much of a livin', boy," and that line is actually from the greatest Western ever, "The Outlaw Josey Wales." 


That's right Clint Eastwood outdid  The Duke to produce and direct the greatest western ever, but no manly collection would be complete without True Grit , the movie that finally won John Wayne an Oscar. Heck, True Grit's the only movie I've really understood in years .


Copyright © 2007 Manstuff - Movies and Stuff for Men
Last modified: June 06, 2007